Service Excellence
The Social Security Board (SSB) is committed to the continuous quality improvement of service and is dedicated to make our service more responsive to customers. In 2014, SSB will commence consultations on a proposed new Service Delivery Model. This new model is poised to help us achieve service excellence by allowing us to change the way we do business. The new service structure will focus on the needs of customers, offering channels and processes that are easier to access and use.
The anticipated outcome:
A personalized service experience that is characterized by efficient, fast and accurate service delivered seamlessly through the channel of their choice (in-person/outreach services, phone,mail and internet/mobile services). It means putting the customers at the heart of everything we do.
CA place of work focused on meeting the needs of SSB customers and delivering service that achieves an improved quality of life (social and economic) to our customers.
A culture committed to delivering social and economic benefits that meet the needs of customers and for which interaction will be with a trusted and accountable benefits delivery organization.