Long Term: Invalidity Benefit
The Invalidity Benefit can be paid as either a monthly Pension or as a One-Time Grant to Insured Persons under 60 years who are medically certified by a Medical Board as permanently unable to do any type of work due to illness. The benefit paid is determined based on the Insured Person’s overall contributions.
Insured Persons who may not qualify for a monthly Pension may still be eligible to receive a one-time Grant. Qualifying conditions apply.
Be under 60 years | Present a medical certificate and/or report, stating the full period of illness causing invalidity when submitting your benefit claim. |
Be medically certified as an invalid, according to the Social Security Act; i.e. permanently unable to do any type of work due to illness | Claim must be signed and dated by a registered doctor in Belize. |
Be sick for 26 consecutive weeks immediately before invalidity | Invalidity claim form (INV1) must be signed and dated by the Insured Person. |
Have 150 paid contributions since 1981 | An evaluation by a medical board, set up by Social Security, must confirm invalidity status. |
Have 250 paid contributions in the 5 years before invalidity commenced, OR | Present your Social Security card, passport or birth certificate when submitting your claim. |
Have 5 paid or credited contributions, in 13 weeks before illness that led to invalidity | Must provide proof or copy of your bank/credit union account information. Claim should be submitted within 13 weeks from the 26th week of illness. |
If the contribution requirement is not met to qualify for an Invalidity Pension, a one-time Invalidity Grant is paid.
A minimum of 26 paid contributions is required to qualify for an Invalidity Grant. | No sum shall be paid, for any period more than 26 weeks before the date that the claim is made |
FORM: Click to download form: INV1
Invalidity Pension is paid
for as long as insured person remains an invalid; i.e. unable to carry out any kind of work
Sum of insurable earnings in best 3 years of contributions ÷ 150 x 30% = weekly pension; or
If less than 500 paid or credited contributions, 25% of Average Weekly Insurable Earning
Minimum Invalidity Pension is
$47.00 per week
Maximum Invalidity Pension is
$288.00 per week