Long Term: Survivor’s Grant (One Lump Sum)

Home / Long Term: Survivor’s Grant (One Lump Sum)


If the deceased insured contributor is not entitled to either a Retirement or an Invalidity Pension, but has at least 26 paid contributions, then a grant is payable to his/her survivors (widow/widower, child or parent)Present Social Security card or birth certificate of all survivors claiming benefitSubmit claim on prescribed form (SVB1) for widow(er) & children AND (SVB4) for parent(s)
WIDOWER- Must be an invalid without any source of income, who was fully dependent on deceased insured spouse, for three or more yearsPresent death certificate of insured contributor signed and dated by a registered doctor in BelizePlease click here to download required forms SVB1
CHILDREN- Includes biological, step children or adopted children of the deceased insured contributorSocial Security card or birth certificate of deceased insured contributor.
Claim should be made within 13 weeks after date of death of insured contributor
PARENTS- Must be 55 years or over. If the deceased insured contributor has no widow/widower or children, parents can claimWhen spouse is applying, present marriage certificate or valid declaration to prove common-law union
WIDOW Must:- Have care of deceased insured contributor’s children or be pregnant for deceased insured contributor- Be 50 years or over- Have been spouse of deceased for no less than 3 years
WIDOWER Must: – Be permanently incapable of self-support and was wholly dependent on the deceased
Must provide bank account or an account number from any other financial institution



6 x sum of insurable earnings in best 3 years of contributions Ă· 150 x units of 50 contributions; or
2.5 x sum of weekly insurable earnings Ă· no. of contributions x units of 50 contributions(whichever is higher)

If maximum benefit (100%)

is exceeded, each share is reduced accordingly

If the deceased insured

person is not entitled to either a Retirement or an Invalidity Pension, but has at least 26 paid contributions, then a grant is payable to his/her survivors (widow/widower, child or parent)

It is a One-time payment


• widow/widower: 66.67%
• invalid children: 40%
• other children: 25%
• parent: 40%

Minimum Grant is $800

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